Ammianus, History 17.4.5
Longe autem postea Cornelius Gallus Octauiano res tenente Romanas, Aegypti procurator, exhausit ciuitatem plurimis interceptis, reuersusque cum furtorum arcesseretur, et populatae provinciae, metu nobilitatis acriter indignatae, cui negotium spectandum dederat imperator, stricto incubuit ferro.
And indeed, long afterwards, when Octavian was ruling Rome, Cornelius Gallus, procurator of Egypt, drained the city with extensive embezzlements; and when upon his return he was indicted for his thefts and for plundering the province, in his fear of the bitterly aggrieved nobility, whom the emperor had put in charge of the investigation, he fell on his sword.
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