Suetonius, On Teachers of Grammar and Rhetoric 16.1-2
…cum filiam patroni nuptam M. Agrippae doceret, suspectus in ea et ob hoc remotus ad Cornelium Gallum se contulit uixitque una familiarissime; quod ipsi Gallo inter grauissima crimina ab Augusto obicitur. post deinde damnationem mortemque Galli scholam aperuit…
…when he [Quintus Caecilius Epirota] was teaching his patron’s daughter, the wife of Marcus Agrippa, he was suspected of misconduct towards her, and for that reason was dismissed; he then devoted himself to Cornelius Gallus, and lived with him as a very close friend; this is one of the most serious charges brought against Gallus himself by Augustus. Then, after Gallus’ condemnation and death, he opened a school…
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